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Green Revolution » Green Bee

Green Bee

Green Bee, the spaceship in Tineretului Park.

Green Bee is the most creative and complex ecological education project in the world, where 30,000 children said YES to ecology.

Launched in June 2012, the project targets children with ages between 6 and 14, offers free access and aims at changing the attitude towards the environment through an interactive approach to ecology and a balanced lifestyle.
Green Bee is based on the technique of learning through games and offers the little ones the opportunity to acquire knowledge on ecology, to develop responsibility towards the environment in an attractive and interesting manner, by means of an imaginary space travel with the Green Bee spaceship in Tineretului Park.
Green Bee sets out to change the attitude towards the environment, encouraging green behavior as early as childhood age. More specifically, the ship in Tineretului Park takes children on an amazing trip to the outer space.
During the trip, ecology is explained to children in a way they can relate to, and the teaching and knowledge retention process is carried out through interactive games and activities. Each participant, having become a little astronaut, will have to follow the orders of Captain Raxo and of his Number Two Noni and contribute to the success of the mission. The success of the Space Mission depends on the knowledge and skills of each participant.
During the trip, the children will try to find a planet to terraform because the Earth is suffering as a result of human action and nobody knows how much time we can go on living on it.
At the end of their journey, children learn the most important concepts of ecology and know what to do to protect the Planet and its resources.

In this way, they learn essential information about:
  • the atmosphere/ air/ air pollution;
  • water and its importance;
  • food;
  • energy;
  • waste;
  • transportation.

Access to the ship is FREE OF CHARGE.
For the moment, the ship is on holiday. For more information on when the Green Bee resumes its travels, please access: http://www.green-bee.ro/.