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Green Revolution » The bicycle with a full basket

The bicycle with a full basket

Green Revolution Association and Mega Image launched “The bicycle with a full basket” project, which intends to encourage bicycle use as alternative transportation in the life of the employees and clients of Mega Image, in order to contribute to the minimization of CO2 footprint.


Thus, the clients and employees of Mega Image from 10 stores were encouraged to choose the bicycle for transportation when shopping, by renting one of the bicycles provided in the project, for maximum 24 hours.
“The bicycle with a full basket” is a bike-sharing program addressed to the employees and clients of a company and wanted to reduce the carbon dioxide footprint. The project took place during July 3rd – October 31st 2013 and encouraged the use of bicycles as transportation for shopping and consumer goods. Realized by Green Revolution Association in partnership with Mega Image, “The bicycle with a full basket” provided, free of charge, to clients, bicycles and stands in front of 10 Mega Image shops. During the first months, the project attracted more than 9,000 people.

What we intend to do
  • During 3.07 – 31.10.2013 we wanted to attract more than 18,000 Mega Image clients.
  • The purpose of this project was to determine a behavioral change in the clients and employees of Mega Image.
  • The project demonstrated the benefits of using the bicycle for shopping: short time to travel, mobility, health and environment.
We were happy to be the partners of Mega Image in “The bicycle with a full basket” project and we hope that more and more companies and public institutions will promote the bicycle as alternative transportation in order to protect the environment and for healthier life.
Raluca Fiser, President of Green Revolution.
How people benefited from this project

Any person that shopped in Mega Image shops of at least 40 lei was able to rent a bicycle free of charge. For rental, they submitted the fiscal slip to the Green Revolution promoter and, based on an identity document, filled in a form and benefited from the bicycle, free of charge, for maximum 24 hours. Bicycles could be rented and returned during 16:30 – 20:30, Monday to Sunday.

We were delighted that, with the Green Revolution Association’s support, we were able to promote the bicycle as alternative transportation, and also for leisure, to our clients and employees. By implementing this project we wanted to bring a long term behavioral change and encourage clients to get actively involved in our projects concerning the reduction of the CO2 footprint.
Irina Fosa, Project Manager Mega Image
Results of 2013
  • More than 500 rentals
  • 18,041 informed persons
  • 5,862 kilometers travelled by bicycle
  • 1,735.35 tones of CO2 saved