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Green Revolution » Green Politics – Laboratory of green ideas

Green Politics – Laboratory of green ideas


Green Politics -“Laboratory of green ideas” is the first joint green communication and action platform in Romania.

Green Politics was initiated by Green Revolution Association and representatives of the political class: Sulfina Barbu (PDL deputy), Carmen Moldovan (PSD deputy), Adriana Saftoiu (PNL deputy) and Attila Korodi (UDMR deputy).

We analyzed if the Romanian society has the capacity, and we do not mean politicians, to influence public decisions in the field of environmental protection. And we realized that there is room for improvement. We formed this team and although we do not have many things in common, we can build a dialogue based on those that we do have, in which the industry sector, always influenced by decisions regarding environmental protection, can also participate. Attila Korodi, UDMR

Green Politics represents a solution to optimize the dialogue between the political class, NGOs, civil society companies and professional organizations, in order to promote ecology and adopt legislative initiatives that target environmental responsibility. Green Politics ensures free and direct access for all those interested in this field to the monthly debates which will be organized under this communication platform’s patronage. All those interested in environmental issues in Romania are invited to participate in the Green Politics debates. The ideas will be analyzed by a team of environmental specialists and then presented for legislative approval. Green Politics intends to connect the political sector, decision and administration factors with the business sector and civil society. This will be possible by permanent and transparent dialogue, focused on obtaining results and implementing such. Decisions made will be based on the reality of the Romanian economy and society.

Today, ecology shows that it has no political color, as it concerns all of us. The ecology and sustainability theme surpasses political interests and doctrines. It is the first time in Romania when representatives of the four major political parties have a collaboration agreement and want to do something together. I want to thank these politicians, on behalf of Green Revolution, for accepting the invitation to work together to support green policies in Romania. Raluca Fiser, President of Green Revolution

Today, ecology shows that it has no political color, as it concerns all of us. The ecology and sustainability theme surpasses political interests and doctrines. It is the first time in Romania when representatives of the four major political parties have a collaboration agreement and want to do something together. I want to thank these politicians, on behalf of Green Revolution, for accepting the invitation to work together to support green policies in Romania.

It is clear that the Green Revolution Association, which had this initiative, started from a rather sad reality, that current political class has proven in 20 years that it cannot make joint decisions regarding very serious laws. The role we undertook here is that each person, within their own party, succeeds not in imposing a point of view, but rather finding a common point of view. Adriana Saftoiu, PNL Adriana Saftoiu, PNL

I believe that what we realize is a premiere, because parties in power and opposition are sitting at the same table, united by what “green” means. Keeping proportions, I would associate this event with the social-liberal union. I hope that the only rules that unite us are those of an ecological democracy, if you will. Carmen Moldovan, PSD . Carmen Moldovan, PSD

I believe that this project can offer a transparent platform to get to environmental protection laws, which can be discussed with all interested parties, because environmental protection is not a challenge, it is something that affects each of us.
Sulfina Barbu, President of the Environmental Commission in the Chamber of Deputies