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Green Revolution » Bike2Work


Bike2Work, the only campaign encouraging biking to work

Bike2Work encourages employees to cycle as an alternative to driving and companies to become a Cycle Friendly employer and get certified as such according to EU standards.

Green Revolution Association joined this project in 2015, together with other organisations in 11 European countries (The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Great Britain, France, Croatia, Malta and Bulgaria), becoming officially a member of the large family of European cyclists.


The main objective of Bike2Work is to encourage employees to cycle as an alternative to driving and companies to become a Cycle Friendly Employer and get certified as such according to EU standards.

Over 1,700 employees of companies in Romania cycled in 2015 and 2016 during the Bike2Work campaign. During the two-year campaign, active cyclists have recorded over 200,000 kilometres in their I’Velo mobile application, available for free on IOS in App Store and on Google Play for Android, totalling almost 11,000 hours of cycling.

Over 50 companies in the entire country have joined Bike2Work and encouraged their employees to cycle as an alternative means of transportation. Some of them are: the Romanian Post, Telekom, Ericsson, NN, Allianz Tiriac, Continental Automotive Romania, Stefanini, KFC, etc.

“We are happy that, in the two years since Bike2Work was launched, we have been able to reach numbers like 200,000 km and over 1,700 employees in Bucharest and the rest of Romania have joined our campaign. Bike2Work has given us useful information on the number of cyclists in the city, on the busiest routes, their wishes, their reasons to cycle, what this means to the city’s health and how bicycles are used as alternative means of transportation in Bucharest and Romania. The project will continue in 2017 as well and we encourage cyclists to continue biking to work. Thank you for your support and we are counting on your involvement to ensure this project’s continuity”,
stated Raluca Fiser, President of Green Revolution Association

Cyclists who want to support Bike2Work may access the website www.bike2work.rofor more information and download the I’Velo application to record their rides.

The next campaign will take place in 2017, when we hope that even more cyclists will join us. But, until then, we encourage all employees to use the bike for daily transportation needs.

Bike2Work promotes cycling as the most suitable means of alternative transportation for the road to work and back.