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Green Revolution » Rural bicycle

Rural bicycle

Untitled-1In 2012 took place the widest and most dynamic project which had the purpose of supporting the Romanian education system.

Along with E.ON Romania, Green Revolution Association conducted the project “Rural bicycle” to facilitate children’s access to education, reduce school absenteeism rate, improve conditions in schools, as well as to grant scholarships to pupils with very good results in school.
This year, E.ON Romania has developed one of the widest and most dynamic campaigns dedicated to supporting the Romanian education system ever since it came to the local market in 2005, by launching a set of such projects. Conducted in partnership with important non-governmental organizations and with the local authorities’ support, the projects mainly address children and education units in disadvantaged rural areas.

E.ON Romania donates 800 bicycles to children in four counties of Moldova.

One of the most important projects conducted by E.ON Romania was launched on Thursday, September 13th, in Iasi, in partnership with Green Revolution Association and local authorities. The project “Rural bicycle” stands for donating 800 bicycles to children in four counties of Moldova. Namely, 20 bicycles will be offered to elementary schools in 40 rural localities in Iasi, Botosani, Suceava and Vaslui counties. The project intends to contribute to the reduction of school absenteeism rate and number of children dropping out of school because of the big distance between their home and the education unit and also promote the bicycle as efficient and green transportation.

Access to education gives value to each community and shows the people’s desire to expand their knowledge horizons. Furthermore, children are entitled to a healthy education, which gives a real chance to grow in day to day life, to contribute, over the years, to the development of the communities we live in.
Frank Hajdinjak, General Manager of E.ON Romania

Rural areas to benefit from the bicycles were selected with the representatives of county councils, according to the following criteria: communities settled on large areas; large number of inhabitants, respectively children registered in schools; children with good results in school; lack of transportation to take children to school; children coming from families with low income.

There are many children that want to learn, that dream to accomplish a lot in life. Education is the first and most important step, so we thought we should support them any way we can, by providing a simple, green and healthy transportation that allows them to go to school. We hope that this project will help as many children as possible to fulfill their dreams!
Raluca Fiser, President of Green Revolution Association

Each elementary school of the 40 rural localities will receive 20 bicycles, along with a stand, safety system and materials informing children on traffic safety and environmental protection. The bicycles will be for the use of children with good results in school and which have to travel large distances to the education institution. Each school will appoint a person to coordinate the project locally. Depending on the number of children that need transportation, a bicycle will be used by more children for periods determined by the local coordinator.

About E.ON Romania

E.ON Group in Romania is active on the local energy market in the field of providing and distributing natural gas and electrical energy, serving 2.9 million clients. The activity area of E.ON companies covers 20 counties in the northern side of the country. The platform company, E.ON Romania, holds 51% of the shares of each of the following companies: E.ON Energy Romania, E.ON Gas Distribution and E.ON Moldova Distribution.