Green Revolution is one of the 11 project partners and 4 associated strategic partners united in a partnership of a project SABRINA – Safer Bicycle Routes in Danube Area. The project runs in the framework of the Danube Transnational Programme (Interreg) and is co-funded by European Union Funds (ERDF, ENI).
Cycling infrastructure in the Danube region is largely in an early stage of development, especially outside of the major urban areas. Given the benefits that cycling has on the environment, tourism, health, transport multimodality, etc. this fact is both a development opportunity and a substantial safety risk if not properly addressed.
The SABRINA project focuses on road infrastructure safety for cyclists as one of the most vulnerable road users. It tackles cycling infrastructure safety issues on existing, planned, and missing cycling corridors crossing nine countries in the Danube region. Approx. 5000 km of bicycle routes will be inspected using specially equipped vehicles, software, and trained analysts. Our goal is to improve conditions for road bicycle infrastructure safety in the region by raising the capacities of all relevant national, regional, and local stakeholders to build and improve bicycle infrastructure in a safe and sustainable way.
The SABRINA Project Partners:
- European Institute of Road Assessment – EuroRAP (Lead Partner; Slovenia)
- The University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (Croatia)
- Austrian Road Safety Board (Austria)
- Westpannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd. (Hungary)
- Partnership for Urban Mobility (Czech Republic)
- Green Revolution Association (Romania)
- Municipality Ilirska Bistrica
- Agile Transport Analysis S.R.L. (Romania)
- Automobile Club of Moldova (Moldova)
- Club “Sustainable Development of Civil Society” (Bulgaria)
- Ekopolis Foundation (Slovakia)
Associated Strategic Partners:
- Ministry of the Sea, Transport, and Infrastructure (Croatia)
- Ministry of Regional Development (Czech Republic)
- Ministry of Transport (Czech Republic)
- Ministry of Infrastructure (Slovenia)
Project duration:
1 July 2020–31 December 2022
Overall: 2,086,019.00 EUR
ERDF Contribution: 1,701,992.40
ENI Contribution: 71,123.75
Danube Transnational Programme (Interreg), Call 3
Better connected and energy responsible Danube region.Specific objective:
Support environmentally friendly and safe transport systems and balanced accessibility of urban and rural areas.
Contact from the Lead partner: Olivera Rozi, E-mail:
Contact from Green Revolution Raluca Fiser, email:
For the updates about the SABRINA project, its activities and to learn how safer bicycle routes can become a reality:
- check the project’s websiteand subscribe to the newsletter
- Follow SABRINA on Social Media: Facebook and Twitter