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Green Revolution » studentObike


Logo studentObikestudentObike, a free bike-sharing project for students

studentObike is the only national free bike-sharing project for students in six academic centres, in Bucharest (three centres), Cluj-Napoca, Iasi and Timisoara.

Students may use bikes both in the campus and outside it, Monday to Friday, based on the valid student card and an ID.

In its six years of existence, the « studentObike » programme has managed to determine over 147,000 students to cycle. studentObike is implemented in the campuses of partner universities: University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, University Politehnica of Bucharest, West University of Timisoara, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca and Technical University of Iasi.

“studentObike programme promotes cycling as alternative means of transportation for students. We are present in the largest academic centres in the country, on the main transportation axis for students because we want to build a responsible behaviour towards the enviroment and a healthy lifestyle for young people. I am convinced that, through this project, we contribute to the development of communities and are happy to see that the number of studentObike users is growing every year”
stated Corina Vasile, Director, Communication and Public Relations, Raiffeisen Bank.
“After six years of studentObike, we are happy to see that more and more students have started using bikes to travel from classes, to the library or to places of relaxation and are aware that it is a very simple way to maintain their health and care for the environment”,
stated Raluca Fiser, President of Green Revolution.

In the over 110 days of operation in 2016, studentObike centres have recorded 17,400 users. Thus, in the centres in Bucharest, located in the Complex Agronomie – Herastrau, Politehnica-Rectorat and Politehnica-Regie, over 8,000 students rented studentObike bikes. Almost 4,500 students in Iasi rented bikes from the centre at the Faculty of Constructions, almost 1,300 students in Cluj rented the yellow bikes from the rental centre in Hasdeu Campus, while over 2,600 students in Timisoara rented the yellow bikes from the centre in the West University Campus in 2016.

Results 2010 – 2016:

  • 6 seasons;
  • 5 cities;
  • 7 centres;
  • 330 bikes;
  • 81,013 single users;
  • 151,399 rentals;
  • 826,897 rental hours.


Why are we doing this?
Cycling may be the ideal means of transportation for students. It is cheap, healthy and fast. Offering this programme in the academic campuses in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara and Iasi, we help students travel easier to their dorms, classes, libraries, theatres and museums and discover the cities where they live and study.