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Green Revolution » Take a deep breath!

Take a deep breath!

Green Revolution Association in partnership with Carl von Linde Foundation launched on Wednesday, May 21st, 10:00 o’clock, «Take a deep breath», a project regarding education and public awareness of the importance of air quality.
During May 21st – September 30th the project intends to draw the wide audience’s and the authorities’ attention on the importance of adopting legal or administrative measures, of changing mentality and, not last, of adopting a life style that provides clean air in big cities.

We hope that this project presented in the form of antithesis experiences, along with the debates which take place between authorities, health care system representatives, civil society and business sector representatives activating in polluting fields, succeeds in raising questions for both the wide audience, which will come into contact with this project, and the decisional factors as regards the adoption of corrective measures and their implementation. We hope that it will at least generate a first step towards greater responsibility for air quality in urban areas and not only such. The main intervention direction of Carl von Lind Foundation is health and although, apparently, this project is more concerned about environmental protection actions, we still decided to support it, because our health is often related to our environment and we want more of our efforts to prevent than to treat. Anna Chiţan, President of Carl von Linde Foundation

Represented in the form o a mobile construction consisting of two transparent domes, located at the intersection of Magheru Boulevard and Anastasie Simu Street, project «Take a deep breath» offers the audience an antagonistic sensorial experience: in the first dome an ideal world is built, filled with vegetation, peaceful and relaxing, while the second dome presents the image of a possible future, a future in which man is trying to rebuild a destroyed and lost world.
As of today, July 25th 2014, the domes are located in Herastrau Park, near the Cultural Wheelbarrow area and will stay here until October 4th when project „Take a deep breath” will end.

During June 17th-30th the ”Take a deep breath” domes were in the enclosure of the Palace of Parliament, thus trying to get the authorities’ attention on the importance of air quality and on the need for measures that provide cleaner air in big cities.

Investing in air quality is becoming very expensive for Romania and at this time we do not have the necessary money to invest in new technologies. Take a deep breath is an awareness project, right now with symbolic value, but I believe that we need to draw attention with this kind of projects, which Green Revolution is developing in partnership with the Environmental Commission and has developed regardless of the presidents that came in front of the Commission. We must not forget that, according to the last study of the World Health Organization, we have 1.3 deaths per year due to air pollution. More than those that result from car accidents. Carmen Moldovan, president of the Environmental Commission from the Chamber of Deputies

Take a deep breath” is equally addressed to the authorities. Within the project there will be round tables and consultations between decisional factors of central and local administration in order to identify solutions that ensure air quality protection. Envisioned aspects are the improvement of communication between authorities, the adoption and amendment of current legislation, the identification of administrative measures, public communication and education.

With this experience offered to visitors we are trying to underline the impact of our actions and activities on an extremely complex and delicate ecosystem. To approach the damages we can produce and our incapacity to reverse such, the impossibility to copy and restore nature in its natural form. We explain the impact on soil, water and especially air.
Raluca Fişer, President of Green Revolution Association

”Take a deep breath” is an unique project in Romania, a project that sends a clear message:”We cannot afford the luxury of not breathing! We must take care of our air!”

About Carl von Linde Foundation

Carl von Linde Foundation is a young foundation, founded in 2013, which has the intention to support mainly the Romanian health care system, by means of projects with sustainable and durable results. Along with the authorities, other non-governmental organizations and patient organizations, the foundation is developing projects to modernize hospital units, projects to make the public health care system more efficient, by conducting and presenting to authorities studies comparing the outpatient treatment and hospitalization treatment, projects to support patients with severe or rare diseases, etc.

We also love the artists, teachers and ecologists in Romania, which is why a small portion of our funds goes that way as well, to small sized, but admirable initiatives of these people.
Anna Chiţan, President of Carl von Linde Foundation