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Green Revolution » To the pedal

To the pedal

Green Revolution Association and the City Hall of District 1 initiated in 2009 the project “To the pedal”, which targeted the promotion of alternative transportation in the Capital.

The project had two bike-sharing centers, in which the people of Bucharest had 250 green bicycles at their disposal, to be rented free of charge.

The project “To the pedal” was incredibly successful, even from its launching day. It is good proof of the fact that the people of Bucharest are very eager to exercise on bicycles.
Raluca Fiser, President of Green Revolution Association

The two “To the pedal” bicycle renting centers were in Herastrau Park (Baraka area) and in Kiseleff Park. The project “To the pedal” was really successful amongst the people of Bucharest, in its two annual editions (2009 and 2010), registered more than 50,000 users. The project’s initiators encouraged the civic spirit of the people of Bucharest, giving them the chance to demonstrate their care for the goods they share with their fellow citizens.
The project was part of a long term strategy of the Green Revolution Association, which encourages the use of the bicycle as urban transportation. The President of the Green Revolution Association, Raluca Fiser, declared that this is the first step towards transforming Bucharest into an European capital.
In 2011, the project was taken over by the City Hall of District 1 and Green Gate Association.