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Green Revolution » Wellness



Wellness is a project realized by the Green Revolution Association, in partnership with Coca-Cola Romania System and BILLA Romania. The project will be launched on October 3rd and it supports education for a healthy life style. In this project, pupils with ages between 12 and 14 years, from 10 schools in Bucharest, will learn what a balanced diet means, they will receive nutrition advices and will learn about the importance of physical activity in the daily program in order to improve the quality of life, the physical and mental state.

It is important to know that by adopting a healthy life style, from childhood to the most advanced age, various illnesses can be prevented and treated, and a healthy life style involves not only a balanced diet, but also physical activity according to age. Also, in order to maintain the balance state, a person needs: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, completed by water, minerals, vitamins and fibers, all taken from sources which are as natural as possible. Nutritional studies show that a diet rich in fish and lean meats, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, seeds and nuts, with reduced consumption of red meat and processed foods, as early as childhood, is the right choice for a healthy, strong body that can fight illnesses.

In Romania, according to the data provided by the National Public Health Institute, in the last 10 years, due to poor dietary habits and in lack on an appropriate dietary education, the number of obesity cases among pupils has doubled. Another report shows that 60% of the children and teenagers in our country do not have an appropriate daily intake of fruits and vegetables. In this context, the project’s target is to educate pupils in order to adopt a healthy life style, and also to increase awareness and provide support for Romanian authorities. The message will also be sent to parents and teachers, thus intending to increase their interest for a better choice of foods and understand their importance, as well as of a proper physical activity adequate for the calories intake. The “Wellness” Project is conducted in 10 schools in Bucharest and involves the organization of five events to which more than 10,000 children will have access. During October 3rd – November 14th pupils will learn about the benefits of a balanced diet and will be involved in fun cooking experiences and also sporting activities.

Each event will last for three hours and will have the following phases:
  • Children will be divided into three groups of 25-30 each and distributed according to activity: cooking, nutrition and sport. Teams will rotate once every hour.
  • Presentation and preparation of food items included in the menu
  • Nutrition hour
  • Sporting activities

All these activities will be supervised by cooking, nutrition and sports specialists. Thus, menu items will be prepared under the close supervision of Victor Nemeș, one of the most appreciated chefs competing in MasterChef. Doctor Șerban Damian, nutrition specialist, with Cătălina Cuparencu will offer the best advice on how to choose a balanced diet since childhood, to have a healthy, strong body that can fight illnesses. Sporting activities will be coordinated by coaches of World Class, which will prepare a set of exercises fit for the children’s age.

Important advices

1. A balanced life style forms a healthy and strong organism, which helps us face the physical and mental challenges we want.
This means diversified diet, divided into three main meals per day and two snacks, moderate physical activity (60 minutes per day) and correct hydration (2-3 liters of liquid/day).

2. No day without vegetables!
Fruits and vegetables are the main source of vitamins and minerals in a balanced diet. Although they seem similar, the type and quantity of nutrients differ from one vegetable to another. That is why it is recommended that we eat them in a combination that is as diverse and colorful as possible, in order to ensure the necessary anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidants and protective compounds, beneficial for the organism.

3. Make sure you have proteins from both animal and vegetable sources
Animal proteins (meat, fish, eggs) are complete and easily absorbed. However, they are accompanied by large amounts of saturated fats, which can be associated to the metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases; therefore it is recommended that they are consumed moderately. Completing the protein source with vegetal proteins is an intelligent and necessary choice in order to maintain a balanced diet.

4. Consume whole grains
Whole grains, as opposed to refined ones, have 3-4 times more fibers, which help digestion and increase the intestines’ cleansing. Regular consumption is associated with the prevention of various diseases: diabetes, colon, kidney, breast cancer, cardiovascular diseases.

5. Consume seeds, nuts and fish twice or more times a week
Human brain consists of 60% fat. Thus, it requires healthy fats in order to develop and function correctly. According to a study, persons who consume seeds, nuts, fish, avocado, have higher mental flexibility and better results in non-verbal reasoning, memory tests and learning and concentration power.

6. Choose small portions to have big results
When eating with your family, place the food in individual plates for each member, not on a single platter. Researchers discovered that people who are served individually and are not offered the chance to take food off a platter, tend to eat up to 35% less.

7. Interrupt all other activities while eating; chew diligently
Researchers discovered that persons watching the television while eating consume 288 more calories than those who eat without performing another activity. Furthermore, eating too fast is an unhealthy habit, because it disturbs the digestion process. Chew diligently and be aware of what and how you eat, to reach the satiety sensation faster.

8. Eat your preferred foods
You do not need to deprive yourself of the favorite food, but it is indicated to make smart choices. You can eat what you like, as long as you do not make any abuses.

9. Choose local, seasonal foods
In season, foods are fresh, as it is no longer necessary to transport them from different corners of the world. Furthermore, they contain the maximum amount of nutrients and their consumption encourages local production.

10. Hydrate for wellness
Did you know our body is made 70-80% water? Hydration is important to maintain a healthy condition and to perform physical effort within safety limits, without any risk of having metabolic unbalances.

11. Exercise regularly!
Scientific studies show that a correct and balanced diet and an adequate level of physical activity can improve health and even prevent a number of illnesses. Physical activity involves games, sports, trips, leisure, physical training and exercises in the context of family, school and community activities.